Shiny & New
Hi there! I’m Penny Oliver!
A yoga-loving, kickboxing, fashion-wearing, fun-having, sparkle-spreading enthusiast
who’s not letting a little thing like aging slow me down.
Nope, not today, wrinkles!
I’m on a mission to inspire all ages to live with light,
love, and a whole lot of laughter.
Whether we be striking a pose, throwing a punch (or kicking up our asanas),
or maybe just trying not to throw our back out while tying our shoes,
this is the place to embrace every moment with a twinkle in our eye and joy in our heart.
Life’s too short to be boring, right?
And frankly, I’m too old to pretend otherwise.
My fitness journey?
It’s all about balance—literally.
I’ve logged countless hours on the yoga mat (200 hours of yoga teacher training),
and I’ve earned three black belts that say, “Don’t mess with me, namaste.”
My goal?
To help all ages move with sparkle, shine from within, and kick aging where it counts: right in the butt!
But fitness isn’t all I’m about.
Aging with sparkle means celebrating the messy, marvelous, everyday moments—
laughing at life’s quirks, finding grace in the chaos,
and never underestimating the power of a good outfit.
So whether you’re here to stretch, sweat, shine, or just smile,
welcome to the party!
Let’s make aging less about growing older and more about glowing bolder—
because life’s a gift, and we’re here to unwrap it with glitter and gusto.
Let’s move, laugh, and sparkle our way through life together.
Love & Light