It’s the Christmas season, the most wonderful time of year – and the most stressful! But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I will show you how to slow down to Christmas tree speed and still shine bright. That way, all will be calm with you and you can bask in the warm glow of being all there in the moments you get to share with family and friends.
I present to you the gift of the basic, most essential Child Pose. It’s the reassuring hug you been waiting for, and the gift that keeps on giving. Although it’s a warm-up or resting pose in a yoga class, it’s the perfect remedy to unwrap tension and stress anytime and a great antidote for a restful night’s sleep. To enhance the healthy yoga goodness from Child Pose focus on your inhales and exhales. Then let the soothing sanctuary of your Child Pose envelope you in a cocoon of warmth, comfort, safety, and ease.
You may fold up a towel to place between your heels and your sitting bones for comfort and support. You may also rest your head on a pillow for ease.
To begin, come to all fours and gently fold forward over your legs. Spreading your legs apart will provide a deeper stretch. Gently resting your forehead on your mat or pillow begin inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Remember, it’s your time to relax and unwind so try to linger here for a few moments. One minute would be great, but longer would be better. The best scenario would be to stay as long as you need, not worrying about minutes or time simply enjoying the present peaceful moment.
Besides relieving stress, practicing Child Pose on a regular basis stretches our lower backs, opens our hips, stretches our shoulders, ankles and ligaments. Therapeutic for digestion, it enhances circulation, calms our minds and fights insomnia.
Thanks for joining me!
May God fill you with peace and love this Christmas as we celebrate the most special child of all time – the Lord Jesus Christ!
Merry Christmas everyBODY!