Snowflakes Kisses
To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.
Although I hate being cold, a snowstorm triggers my inner child and out into the cold I go. Of course the best part is coming back inside and feeling my hands, feet and cheeks thaw out and a cup of hot chocolate never hurt either. Driving in snow is a much different story. I experienced a pretty big accident in nineteen eighty one and it left me terrified I would get into a big slide again and end up inside the back edge of a town snow plow. Today I’m happy to report that by the grace of God I do more snow driving. However I did complain about it for years. How about you? Do you live in a place where it snows and have you ever complained about it?
Actually, I think it’s quite a natural, human being thing we do, complaining about the snow because it does make our lives a little bit harder. However, looking at snow from how heaven sees it is incredibly different. The Book of Job, tells us that snow is very special. That it’s given a place among the wonders of the world and ranked up there with the morning stars, the seas, and even the lightening. So Job gets my attention and because Jesus is my Father, I’ve simply got to find out more!
Looking up interesting facts about my Father, “The Snow King” I found that scientists actually estimate that it takes fifteen minutes for a snowflake to be born and reach it’s physical completion. Nothing short of amazing! Under a microscope scientists can also actually see all the details of a flake and they agree that no two snowflakes could possibly be exactly alike. Did you know that it is snowing all the time in different places all over the world? Did you also know that every time it snows our planet also receives roughly one million, billion, cubic feet of snow per every snow storm? That would translate in my yoga picture that I am standing on over a billion snowflakes even while new ones are being made and fresh ones are still falling. But that’s the awesomeness of our Father. All of His creations are intimately fashioned with infinite care and utmost detail. When you really get to the heart of it, each snowflake is a revelation of unfathomable love and care, of artistry and intelligence, and wisdom beyond human comprehension.
And just in case that is not enough proof of the unfathomable depth of love, might and power, God gave us eyes to see the snow, hands to touch it and a body to feel it and scientists to study it. Surely when the snow is falling He desires that we remember, we are loved, Hallaluyah!