Present Moment Peter

Clouds like puffs of cotton and seas as smooth as glass, could there be a more perfect morning? Of course every morning is great when you wake up and your on vacation. Today we are docked in  gorgeous St. Thomas. To think fear kept me from this Divine scenic creation for so many years and now after 34 cruises I am forever thirsty and longing to taste the beauty that God has created around this beautiful earth. Of course we've also been through some difficult storms in a ship too where it was so rough I threw up in a decorative plant. But that's how life is too, one day it's calm another day a storm is raging all around you!

Enter Peter. The apostle who walked on water. Peter being a fisherman I'm sure experienced a lot of terrible storms out in the sea in his boat. Yet in this Bible story another storm was raging all about him and all of Jesus's disciples. Peter and the disciples were terribly afraid and clinging to the safety and comfort of their boat. Suddenly, out there on the raging waves they encountered a figure. Peter rushed up and asked, is it you Lord and if it is let me come to you! What was he thinking walking on water like that. I'm wondering, could his eyes of been so fixed on Jesus he couldn't see anything but Jesus? I don't know how long this moment was but Jesus commanded Peter to come to Him and with out hesitation, Peter lunged forward and up and out of the boat. By the grace and power of God, Peter walked on water!

However, the other eleven disciples seemed to do the thing they always did in a storm, be afraid for their lives and cling to what they could see, their man made boat. Although all of Jesus's disciples did amazing things beyond human capabilities hanging out with their Savior, sadly, all missed the opportunity to walk on water. But not Peter, there caught up in the moment Peter was not concerned with the safety and security of himself or he would of never left the boat. Instead, I think Peter was right there, ever present, dwelling only in the moment at hand. Being absorbed in the present moment gifted him with no time to think victimizing thoughts of past times in the boat nor any time to be anxious and overwhelmed of what might have been or could of happened. He was instead ever present, faithfully riding the waves with his feet, lunging forward until... But that is another story!

Jesus looking at them said, with men it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God! (Mark 10:27)

I'm guilty of clinging to my man made boat in the storms of life, how bout you? Maybe if we just focused on Jesus like Peter did we too might walk on water in our own lives.

Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze on Him. (Proverbs 4:25)



When Yoga Meets Biblical Health and Wellness
