When Yoga Meets Biblical Health and Wellness
Everybody knows by now that the practices of yoga are beneficial to our health and science continues to reveal it’s many healthy benefits. It’s wonderful that every year there is a significant rise in people hitting their mats. However, the world seems more stressed out than ever. I get it that all the world has been in a pandemic for a couple years now but isn’t time on our mats suppose to chill us out and lower our stress? Chronic stress was a growing health related problem before the pandemic and continues to get worse with each passing year. It sends more people to the doctor’s office every year and more people rely on prescriptions rather than yoga to deal with their stress related conditions. It’s also very scary that the six leading causes of death are all linked to stress.
Fortunately, as healthy as yoga can prove to be there is a better solution. As a yogi teacher I’ve come to I’ve come to realize that true and lasting health and wellness practices are deeply rooted in aligning ourselves with what Our Creator has to say about health and wellness. Trusting our Creator by putting into practice His ways written for us from His Holy Bible, rewards us with many healthy benefits. It is His desire that we live healthy, purposeful lives and He has given us the ultimate prescription for a healthy life style. It begins by reading and listening to His wisdom and then putting into practice His ways. It is the one true and only lasting path leading to a stress less, strong and balanced, peaceful and joyous lifestyle, complete with abundant energy, continual strength and deep unfailing love! Is it not the reason why we hit our mats each day?
My prayer for you is that you would start your journey to true and lasting health and wellness this very moment. Begin by acknowledging that God sent His Son Jesus into this world to die for your every sin and invite Him to be your Savior and miraculously, all the above is freely given to you as you put into practice His ways!
Training the body has some value but being Godly has value in every way! 1 Timothy 4:8
Beloved I pray in all respects that you will prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers!
1 John 2-3
Love, Penny